Monday, January 12, 2009

Terrible 3's?

So, I thought we got really lucky and missed the terrible 2's that everyone warns you about. Until the past few weeks, we have had relatively few problems behavior wise out of our kids. Well, I guess they just reared their ugly head!!! I have not felt so helpless, frustrated, and discouraged yet in my parenting. Why is my 3 year old having a colossal meltdown over a waffle? Why does she want 47 stories before bed? Why all of a sudden does she refuse to go to sleep? How long can she scream for at one time? I am sure that this is just a phase, but it sure doesn't feel like it in the middle of a 45 minute screaming session. I am telling you this because I feel that there are a few things I have learned in the last few weeks.
  • Everybody with a toddler has had this experience! I am not alone!!!!
  • This too shall pass
  • She really does love her mom and dad, even if she is screaming at us, throwing books and a stool out of her room, and kicking the door.
  • One day she and her little sister will be best friends, even though they pull each other's hair right now.
  • She needs to know her boundaries.
  • Alot of books on parenting are a waste of money- yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't need to spend $13 to be told I need to stay calm!
  • Is there ever really a way to anticipate that a Popsicle that you don't even have in the freezer will send her into a tailspin?

Most of all, God is with us. I cover that child in prayer daily, several times a day. I thank God for her in my life. I am honored that God chose me to be her mother. I am amazed at her beauty, her smile, her spunk. I love her beyond any measure that I could have dreamed of. God has great plans for both Mackenzie and Maggie and it is not in his will that our lives be in chaos. I urge you to pray for your children daily, Pray for their obedience, their sleep, their attitudes, all the "little" things that you think God is not concerned with. Let me assure you, He is! You will see a difference I promise. I believe there is nothing better you can do as a parent thatn pray for your children- even if they are not here yet. (I prayed over my girls from the day I fould out I was pregnant with each of them- I prayed for easy delivery- and although it was not what I expected, I never had one labor pain with either). He is concerned with all that concerns us. And remember He forgives us when we act up or throw a hissy fit, he hugs us and says "I love you, forgive you, and want you to do better." And when I feel like a failure as a parent because my child does not always act perfect, the truth is I don't always act so great myself. I think I disappoint my Father alot too. But I have a God that loves me for all the good things that I am, and all the things that I need to do better at. And just like my 3 year old, I am learning to "do better.'


snowflakes said...

Beautiful! Thank you for reminding the rest of us that there is hope, and doing it in the midst of your storm, WOW! I always did like you ;)! I pray things settle down for you. Love and hugs, Katie

Deborah Ross said...

What a beautiful faith! I'm so proud of you, Amy, and your faithfulnes to God and to your children. Yes, prayers are the answer to everything!
Love you much,
Ms. Ross

P.S. Your web site is beautiful!