Well, it has taken me a while to get to this point, but here I am. I am tired of being uncomfortable. I am tired of being a little "pudgy". I am tired of looking in the mirror and hating what I see. I am tired of being consumed by negative thoughts about myself. I am tired of not feeding my body what it needs. I have been here before ( many times). I am making some changes. First of all, I re-joined Weight Watchers. I think I have done it 4 times, but the most successful being the first time 9 yrs ago. I lost close to 40 pounds then. I felt great. I worked out and ate right. But, just like alot of things, I let that go. I have tried a couple of times since then, but with little success. Mainly because I wasn't willing to work hard enough to make it stick. So, here I am again. I have about 25-30 pounds to lose. I love weight Watchers because it is normal! You can be a normal person on it, you don't have to take your own salad dressing with you when you go out to eat! It is making me focus on healthy foods, portion control. I really have to think about what I eat, am I eating this because it is fuel for my body? This is only my first week back on, but I am excited about what I can do.
I want to be an example to my kids. I want them to make the right choices and not struggle the way I have.
I am also starting to run again. I really like to run. I enjoy it. I actually like to run on the treadmill too! I ran my first 5k on Saturday, the first one in over 2 yrs. I had back surgery almost 2 yrs ago and it has taken a long time to recover. I know that when I am active I feel so much better. So in addition to running I am also starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I did this a few months ago, and let me tell you- it works! It is intense, but it will work you out. I also like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. It is super easy and very moderate as far as intensity. My plan right now is to schedule in 2 workouts a day, one am and one pm. One a light/moderate 20 minute or so and then a good 45-60 minute run. I have a treadmill, but also like to get out with the girls too.
Another thing I am trying to incorporate is more "clean living". I try to buy organic beef, chicken, and dairy. We do not drink cow's milk, we drink almond milk. I have switched all my kid's dishware to glass, stainless steel, or ceramic. I will get more in to this in a later post. I am not a total greenie, but I think there is merit to really knowing what you are eating. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my McDonald's quite a bit, you can't give up everything! Haha!!
So , here it goes, and I will keep you informed of our progress.
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