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But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him. And by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5-6
Do we really understand the sacrifice the Father made for us? Could you give up your child to cleanse the sins-the vile, despicable, heinous- of not just one other person, but mankind? Could you watch your child take that?
What an undeserved gift we have been given. That no longer do we hesitantly approach the throne of God, but we can boldly come to God.
My Jesus, My Saviour, My God & My Lord, My Redeemer. That you would look 2ooo years into time and see me, Amy Curle, and put your hand upon me. That you would die for me, and I have nothing to offer in return.
Don't you know that God's heart aches, it yearns for you. He wants you to know him. This God that has always been, He has been throughout the ages, looks upon you and says "My beloved".
Jesus came to wash your sins away, to redeem us all. The blood that flowed from his side on Calvary did so for you and me and all mankind. He took the debt we could not pay and gave us the chance to live in eternity. We have to chance to sing forevermore WORTHY IS THE LAMB.
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