I am linking up with Kelly's Korner today for beauty secrets. I have a couple to share with you.
#1- I have had a long standing issue with sensitive skin! My doctor recommended TendSkin a couple of years ago for blemishes, bumps, and ingrown hair. But when I looked at the price- WOW!! $30+ for a small bottle. So I started doing some research and found a recipe for making my own TendSkin. It is super easy, makes a bunch, and I use it on blemishes and bikini area too.
Solution 1:
18 tablets uncoated aspirin, crushed
5 oz rubbing alcohol
Solution 2:
8 tablets uncoated aspirin, crushed
2.5 oz witch hazel
Combine the two solutions, the aspirin will settle a bit, so shake it before you apply.
It really does work, and it is much cheaper than the name brand. I think I paid $5total for all ingredients and bottle. Good deal!!
Side note: I found that I had to use it a couple times a day at first to get the results I needed, and it is a bit drying to the skin, so just play around with it to see what works best for you.
#2- WEN!!! I saw this on QVC and was totally sucked in! I have been trying to go with more natural products for my skin and hair. I actually stopped using shampoo and use a shampoo bar (looks just like a bar of soap). I got mine at Chagrin Valley Soaps. But it is a bit drying to my hair so I was looking for a good conditioner. I have thick, curly hair. I found WEN and ordered it. Again, it is very pricey, so I didn't know how I could afford it. Lo and behold, I was in Sally Beauty Supply one day and I found their version of it, called Hair One. This stuff is great! I also only shampoo my hair every 2-3 days and use a dry shampoo.
Also, I use MagiX from Avon as a primer and LOVE IT!! It makes my makeup stay on all day and I have oily prone skin!! It is Wonderful!!!!
DIY Wood Console Table
1 day ago