Well, it is now my 3rd week on Weight Watchers. And I have lost 2.8 pounds! But I actually lost 2 pounds before officially starting, so my grand total is 4.8!! YEAH! So , that makes my goal somewhere between 25-30 pounds left. (I haven't decided where I want to end up). However, I was a little bummed out this week at weigh in beacuase I just maintained, so no gain or loss. But that's good, I guess. I am pretty sure I know why I didn't lose- I ate out alot!! I stayed within my points, but i really did not make the best choices for my eating. Even thoug I can eat Chicken McNuggets, I probably shouldn't have had them 3 times in the week, nor ate a pound of chips and cheese dip at the Mexican restarauant! But, lesson learned, so gonna do better this week.
I am also trying to amp up my workouts. I already have plannned 2 workouts a day- in case I miss one. I know this sounds a little crazy, but I need to do soemthing everyday. I have a treadmill that I pull out halfway between my garage and driveway and I run and the girls play. This looks a little crazy to the neigbors I am sure, but it is what works for me!! It is the best solution i have come up with to keep the girls happy and occupied but let me get in a workout. I typically strive for a 45-90 minute run on the treadmill, and I am trying out interval training now too! i also run sprints on my driveway ( I have a very Steep driveway). I am running backwards up the driveway too! HARD! I am training for a 5K, 10K, 15K, and 1/2 marathon in either September or November. So, I run outside 1-2 x wk.
In, addition I am doing some workout videos. I have come to realize that I need an intense, cardio based workout, so these have been working really well for me.
The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones
Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown
So, for now that is my plan. I am just working each day and doing the best I can. I think that I finally have it in my head that I have to do this. I don't want to settle for being mediocre anymore. I have so much more potential than I have given myself credit for. I owe this to myself, my family, and to God because He gave me this life to live more abundantly.
DIY Wood Console Table
1 day ago